Cultural and Sports programme
Duration: 01.07.2017 to 31.12.2021
Objective: To take care of cultural values as per our constitution among the youth and adolescent
boys and girls and also support the sports-minded group involving all types of people at rural level.
Major activities: Organize cultural and sports activities at rural level, Organize fair/exhibition and provide honorarium certificate to the people for their contribution on education, social, culture and sport activities at village level.
Implementation process: The project will be implemented in Kamarkhanda and Sadar Upazilas under Sirajganj district. Schools students (boys and girls) are the main target beneficiaries of the project. In total 24 secondary schools have been indentified (20 from Kamarkhanda and 04 from Sirajganj Sadar) to conduct the major activities. There are also some interventions where community people will be involved. A project implementation committee (chaired by UNO) has been formed to provide advice to run the activities. Upazila sports Association, cultural groups and NDP jointly implement the project.
Source of fund: PKSF and NDP